You are Designed for Greatness!

Published by Homesteading Hen on

As a child we meet the world around us with an openness and curiosity, lacking any judgment of others, and often open to new ideas and appreciation of others uniqueness. But as we grow, we start to notice little things like looks, comments or reactions and doubt who we are meant to be.

We tend to start feeling self-conscious and letting the world give us doubts, even loosing who we are in order to let society mold us into what it dictates we should be. For others, society determines we are un-moldable, and decrees that we are therefore without value or even worth the time it takes to understand us!

These experiences cause us to lose our self-esteem and confidence as well as often–our very footing. We become a lost outcast, confused and often broken, not understanding what even went wrong!

You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

My question to you is, “Who gave society the authority to determine whether we have value?” Who gave them the ability to define our worth, or determine if we have something of value to offer the world? What makes another human being have the right to decide if someone else is smart, worthy, talented, or normal–whatever “normal” really is? Or if “normal” is really something worth striving for? What gives this nameless mass of people the credentials, why should they have that power? You were made by The Creator–Made for a Purpose and for a Reason!


You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

To the person who is within the autistic spectrum:

Yes, you might not be able to decode societies social hoops and nuances. You might be cast aside because you are honest and straight forward, seeing and saying how you feel and see things. Is that really bad? If more people were more straight forward and honest, the world would no doubt function better. Yes, some people can’t handle straight forward conversation, but that does not mean it is a bad thing.

The fridge space in my kitchen is too small for any with a built-in ice maker. Does that make my kitchen have no value? No. Just because you don’t fit a person’s ideal mold doesn’t make you less valuable. Yes, you may be more sensitive to certain things and overdone easily, but that’s not a wrong or right.

Equipment comes in all levels of sensitivity, often more sensitive being more pricey, so why wouldn’t and shouldn’t sensitive people be highly valued? Just keep in mind, others have feelings too and struggles of their own. So even if you struggle to understand their perspective, just try and remember they have their own battles they face and their own challenges and misunderstandings as well.


You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

To the person with unique features:

You’re not ugly and unlovable. Just because you look different than what’s on the magazine cover in the grocery aisle, don’t mean you are undesirable to another human being or unattractive.

Often we forget, cover models have flaws of their own, they just have a ton of people working around the clock to hide them, fix them and photoshop their image! But remember, real beats fake anytime! That bowl of cereal on that commercial might look fantastic the way the cereal flakes are just perfect like a fresh poured bowl never soggy and always showing the perfect amount above the milk. Would I want to eat it though? Nope, because it’s not real milk in there! Often companies use white glue for the photo-shoot of the bowl close ups. How would you like a mouthful of that for breakfast? How would that glue taste, and what kind of nutrition would it have? Same with you, better to be real and full of good things like love and kindness then to be fake like that inedible bowl of cereal.

Yes, shallow people might make their judgments and cruel comments, but anyone worth their weight with an ounce of brains and maturity will tell you they would rather spend time with or marry someone who is loyal and kind and makes them laugh than someone who might look nice and drags them through an emotional gutter all the time. So no matter if your face is unique or your arm or leg is formed different than the classic textbook arm or leg, be proud of who you are, and that you are you. Keep it real and bring what really matters to the game.


You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

To the person who has limited mobility:

You may feel inadequate, and incapable of much. You might think you are limited to what you can ever do or achieve. But remember while yes, you might be limited physically to a certain extent, there are areas greater than the physical. Don’t let your physical limitations affect your spirit. Stay strong, think outside the box and don’t be afraid to embrace a new way of doing things. Be a trend setter! Show others new ways to achieve goals and how to achieve what they thought to be impossible!

Let your creativity flow, and continue to be an inspiration to the world. Your outlook on life can have a powerful impact on the world and those around you. You can make a lasting impression, you can create change! So be practical with what you can do, but don’t let society tell you what that is. You know what you can achieve and how you can achieve it, so go for those goals and reach for those stars! Don’t let a handicap or disability hold you back. Get creative and live life to the fullest of your abilities. Life has lots to offer when you stop allowing your limitations to define you.


You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

To the person suffering with a chronic illness:

Everyday might bring with it new challenges to face or seemingly endless returning ones. Some days might be better than others, it might be hard to plan things or commit to things. Some days there might be pain and struggles, but don’t let those struggles determine who you are. Embrace your talents, work around your weakness and take each day at a time. You are the definition of perseverance, you are a champion!

Take care of yourself and take the time to meet and manage your health needs. Never let your illness define your value, you are more than a chronic disease. You are a fighter and an inspiration! There will be others that don’t understand your journey, but don’t let that stop you from achieving greatness or meeting your health needs.

Taking care of yourself is not selfish, yes, you might need a little more care and be a little more delicate. But then so are most of the paintings in the Louvre and that does not stop France from doing the work to preserve the artwork. They don’t deem it a waste of time or declare the paintings to be worthless because they are fragile. So keep on and never give up, be patient with yourself and make it a priority to do those little things you should be doing for your health.


You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

To the sexually, physically and verbally abused:

You may be and feel bruised, battered and broken. You may feel unlovable, used and worthless. You might have buried who you are in order to keep it safe. You might have buried it so deep for so long you have forgotten who you are and your purpose. You might fill unworthy of love or success. BUT YOU ARE NOT THE ABUSE YOU HAVE SUFFERED! Stop sabotaging yourself, get out of those bad situations if you have not already.

Have courage to go for your dreams! Re-discover who you are outside of that abuse, free yourself and move on toward making those often buried dreams a reality. Yes, some things will always be a part of you, but don’t let it define you or your possibilities for success. You are not broken beyond value and repair unless you choose to be! Stand up for yourself, stop lowering your price tag and get out of the bargain bin! You are priceless, you have undeniable value and you can succeed and are capable of reaching your goals!

Take the time to do the little things for yourself, you are not being selfish. You wouldn’t expect your car to run without maintenance or gas? Why should you expect yourself to survive without love and self-care? So start with you and free yourself of that baggage, rediscover who you are and pay attention to your needs then surround yourself with others that support you in your journey.


You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

To the person with anxiety and depression.

Yes, some days it is a very real struggle to even get out of bed or let yourself think because of not being able to stop where your mind might go. You might doubt yourself and everything you do or might not care to even do anything to begin with. You might struggle to explain how you feel, and others might not understand. You might feel frustrated with yourself and others and feel trapped with no out. But remember “this too shall pass,” even if difficult go through the motions and get out of bed, show yourself some love.

Try and find joy in the little things, smile back even if you don’t feel like it. Stop doubting your abilities and worrying you said or did the wrong thing. Don’t overthink and make way for self-doubt or discouragement. AND NEVER GIVE UP, YOU ARE STRONGER THEN DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY!

Remember to practice the pause and remember to breathe. Have a list of positive focus points for referencing. Have a support buddy on call to walk you through those tough times. Adopt a pet and get outdoors more. Things will and can get better, there is light at the end of that tunnel though it might seem dim at times. You can get past this! You are strong and capable, you can help and make a difference in the lives of others. You have much wisdom to offer the world, you have been through the dark and survived. You have overcome.

There might still be valleys to go through and mountains to climb, life is rarely easy. But remember you are never alone and you might not realize it, but I guarantee you make a difference to those around you. So do your best to shine brightly and stay strong even when wading through life’s muck. It can only rain for so long before the sun has to come out. So go ahead and kick that doubt down the drain!

Never forget…

You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

You are loved! Be bold, embrace who you are. You are not lacking or flawed! You are not defective! You are who you are meant to be for a reason. You–like everyone else in the world–may have weaknesses, but you are not incomplete. You also have undeniable strengths and talents some can only dream of, or hope for. You have something to offer the world, don’t let the world strip you of your talents and goals. Mold the world to see your light and don’t be afraid to turn up the voltage!

Keep on Shining, the Homesteading Hen

You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,

You are designed for greatness, blog post by Heritage River, Heritage River LLC,


Loren · July 23, 2019 at 07:55

Great post. Sometimes we forget that we are loved and lovable no matter the circumstances and we should love ourselves.

    admin · August 4, 2019 at 21:48

    Thanks! Yes, it’s so important to remind ourselves as well as others of that fact. The true importance of giving and receiving love is often overlooked. We tend to forget that love is the foundation our basic health and well being are based upon.

Sam · July 23, 2019 at 09:51

Beautiful post! This really touched my heart! It’s wonderful to reach out to people who may be going through something or feeling something that they feel others can’t relate to.

    admin · August 4, 2019 at 21:35

    Thank you! The beautiful thing is no matter what a person is going through, there is always someone else traveling the same journey. Maybe in a different part of the road, but no matter you are never alone.

clairelomax2018 · July 23, 2019 at 12:04

This is so beautiful, there is beauty and power and capabilities in us all. This serves as a great reminder of that x x

    admin · August 4, 2019 at 21:26

    Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed our post! Yes, we ALL have so much to offer the world!

Sweet Family Life · July 23, 2019 at 15:35

Beautiful post, you’re right no one on this earth has the right to determine our worth. It’s post like this one that the world needs to be reminded of that. Keep writing and encouraging so many of us out here, your voice is needed.

    Homesteading Hen · July 28, 2019 at 13:48

    Thanks so much! Your comment is such an encouragement to us! God Bless!

judean · July 23, 2019 at 22:20

Such a powerful post…pinned and shared. Thank you!

    Homesteading Hen · July 28, 2019 at 13:40

    Thank you for reading and sharing! 🙂

bluebox2310 · July 24, 2019 at 00:51

Thank you so much for this inspirational post! We often forget that we deserve to be loved and respected by others as well as ourselves.

    Homesteading Hen · July 28, 2019 at 13:38

    You’re welcome! Yes, it’s so important to have that love and respect. Sadly, we tend to come up with a million excuses why we don’t deserve it and then believe the lies we tell ourselves.

Sonja Hoff · July 25, 2019 at 01:06

Wow! Such great insight! I really connected to a lot of this and could kind of see where I began compared to all I’ve gone through before beginning my journey towards self love. Love this piece!

    Homesteading Hen · July 28, 2019 at 13:30

    So glad the post was an encouragement to you! Thanks for stopping by and visiting our blog! We love getting positive feedback from our readers, it makes our day! 🙂

Maria Gustafsson · September 5, 2019 at 13:35

Truly a lovely message. I have always believed that no one has the right to tell me who I am or who I should be!

    admin · September 6, 2019 at 14:41

    I think so often we as a society forget how important every individual and culture can be, each bringing something priceless to share with the world. We might have our faults but it is often through them that we acquire our strengths, and our abilities to help each other.

    P.S. Thanks for giving me a heads-up on the formatting issues, it was showing normal on my mobile and I hadn’t pulled it up in desktop yet. 🙂

Jillian · September 5, 2019 at 14:07

I love this! Such a great post. It is sometimes hard to remind ourselves that we are worthy!

    admin · September 25, 2019 at 18:01

    Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed the post and got something out of it. Yes, it’s so easy to forget our own value with all life tends to throw our way.

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